Mold Mold Everywhere!

It’s no surprise to discover a nasty blot of mold taking refuge in the corner of your bathroom shower or maybe a dab making itself at home on a leftover in the fridge. There are a few special places that mold likes to sneak in that might surprise you. Mold can grow on virtually any…

How To Keep Mold Away From Your Home

Here at Guardian Mold Prevent we strive to provide you with the best mold-free environment possible. But, have you ever wondered just how you can work towards preventing mold growth in your home from the start? Take a peek at our favorite 10 “Keep” list to keep mold from intruding on your healthy home! Keep…

Mold In Your Attic Or Basement?

The wooly green (and sometimes even hairy looking) monster that loves to make itself at home much like an uninvited guest is mold. We find it lurking in secret spots and snacking on our organic substances like a bowl of popcorn at the movies. But where does it begin? Mold has the lovely ability to…