Attic Mold Found By Home Inspector (video)

Spring has finally arrived, and with it Spring Cleaning!  Attics get swept out, basements uncluttered, and garages see the light of day for the first time in months. As refreshing as this, for some property owners, it can be a painful eye opener. Moving boxes around to sweep the attic or gathering up sleds from…

Carol Stream Realestate – Basement Mold

It’s that time of the year again Carol Stream folks; time to swap out winter for spring and summer. Time to make that trek up to the attic or down to the basement and bring up the warm clothes and welcome the sunshine! This excitement however can be crushed in an instant with the realization…

Attic Mold Found In Woodridge, IL

So the discovery of mold on your Woodridge, IL commercial property has your head spinning and panic behind your eyes! The idea of your occupants breathing in mold spores or experiencing health problems has you searching for immediate mold solutions. Here at Guardian Mold Prevent we understand that mold is a time sensitive situation that…