It’s no secret that basements and attics can be cold and drafty. As a kid, we can even convince ourselves not to go down there due to the monster population. Funny thing is that as adults, there’s also the thought of a monster population in the basement that can scare us just as much. That monster is green, wooly mold. We can even smell it at times when we open the door! Scary indeed! So what do you do to fight this nasty monster and take your basement back? Simply call in the experts at Guardian Mold Prevent.

Why Call in Professionals or Get A Quick Attic Quote?
So you might not be one of those folks who are genuinely afraid of the basement and you are ready to go take it back from the wooly monster of mold. You grab a gallon the latest DIY mold treatment goodies at the hardware store as your choice of weapon and are determined to scrub that mold monster away. As appealing as this might sound, the reality is that the chemicals in your DIY solution are most often toxic themselves and they tend to provide only temporary results. They also don’t locate the source of your mold, which when added up, these reasons don’t fair well in your favor of kicking out your mold monster for good.

A certified mold professional however is equipped with a different type of weapon, that of specialized skill training not only locating the source of your mold, but also in typing your mold and devising a plan to eradicate your mold monster for good. A professional will conduct a thorough mold inspection of your basement and surrounding areas to locate the source of your mold, inspecting all possible water intrusion points, pipes, and possible ventilation issues. They will conduct mold testing, sending tests to an independent third party lab for analysis. Once those results are in, the professional will craft a comprehensive mold remediation plan designed specifically for your unique mold situation. A professional is also trained to safely remove your mold without contaminating other areas of your home.

Contact a Professional Today
Don’t tackle the mold monster of the basement on your own friend! Simply give us a call today at Guardian Mold Prevent by dialing (866) 681-6653. Our professionals are ready to assist you with quick quotes, expert advice, and affordable solutions. Together, we can say farewell to your mold monster!