Attic Mold Removal and Remediation Tinley Park, IL

There is nothing more alarming to a home or business owner than discovering an ugly mold growing on your property. For many, the first response is panic and then a DIY treatment such as bleach. The reality is that mold treatment and removal truly requires a certified mold professional, such as the experts here at Guardian Mold Prevent. Here is attic mold found in Tinley Park. We also explain exactly how this attic got the mold problem to begin with…

We also show attic mold removal before and after in this attic in Tinley Park

How did this attic get Mold?
Molds in general can essentially grow on any organic substance, as long as oxygen and moisture are present. This means that the long damp seasons and high humidity here in Illinois and Indiana tend to invite mold growth. Mold begins to show up in our basements, attics, bathrooms, and even within our walls. And although most molds are non-toxic, mold has a great potential to cause health problems and therefore cannot go untreated.

Why call a professional?
The first step in treating any kind of mold is to determine the type of mold you are dealing with and identify what is fueling your mold. A certified mold professional has received specialized training in conducting mold testing and knowing just what to look for when searching for probable mold cause. Once your mold type and cause are determined, a professional can then design a mold remediation plan that will address your unique mold situation.

Although there are plenty of over-the-counter and DIY products that claim to remove mold, many are limited in their scope and are often toxic themselves. Treatment results are then temporary as the cause of your mold was left undetermined and any mold left behind re-infests the very same area you thought you treated. Expert service will identify, treat, and safely remove your mold.

Contact Guardian Mold Prevent Corp
For more information on restoring your healthy environment, like you see in this video of attic mold remediation in Tinley Park, contact the certified mold professionals here at Guardian Mold Prevent. Not only will we be glad to properly identify and safely remove your mold, but we also look forward to solving your mold problems completely, guaranteed!